Hi, I brought this chat with dear Adriano where he talks to us about his experience of caring for the elderly here in Portugal. I hope you like it. NOTE: I divided this chat into three parts so the video wouldn't be too long. This is part 1. ELDERLY CARER WORK IN PORTUGAL, see if it is possible to earn up to 1000 euros as a caregiver • ELDERLY CARER WORK IN PORTUGAL... FIND OUT OUR SERVICES https://fisioangelicapimenta.com.br/ Instagram: / fisioangelicapimenta WISE - Pay no fees on your first money transfer (for amounts up to R$ 3,600) https://wise.com/invite/u/luisp162 #portugal #cuidadordeidoso #cuidadordeidosos #cuidador #cursocuidador #leiria #porto # braga #lisboa #lisboaportugal #caregiver