Get to know the platform: www.professorboaro.com.br This is the video of the 31st DYNAMICS CLASS by Prof. Marcelo Boaro. Video of solving EXERCISES!!!! In DYNAMICS we study the movement of bodies by carefully analyzing the causes of this movement. In this video we will study the ELASTIC COLLISION and THE COEFFICIENT OF RESTITUTION. Happy studying and may God be with you. Here are the links: DYNAMICS PLAYLIST • DYNAMICS - FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS - ... Class 31 – ELASTIC COLLISION AND COEFFICIENT OF RESTITUTION. 211. (PUC - RJ) We can state, in relation to an elastic collision, that: a) we have a collision where there is conservation of energy, but there is no conservation of linear momentum. b) we have a collision where there is no conservation of energy, but there is conservation of linear momentum. c) we have a collision where there is conservation of energy. d) we have a collision where there is no conservation of energy and linear momentum. e) none of the above statements are true. 212. (UFES) Two particles initially move as shown in Figure 1 below. After colliding, without loss of energy, the velocities of the particles can be represented by the diagram: 213. (UECE) Eight spheres are suspended, four of mass M = 150g and four of mass m = 50g, by flexible, inextensible strings of negligible mass, as shown in the figure. If a sphere of mass M is displaced from its initial position and released, it will collide head-on with the group of stationary spheres. Consider the collision between the spheres to be perfectly elastic. The number n of spheres of mass m that will move is: a) one b) two c) three d) four 214. (UNESP) A body A, of mass m and velocity vo, collides elastically with a body B at rest and of unknown mass. After the collision, the velocity of body A is vo / 2, in the same direction and sense as that of body B. The mass of body B is a) m / 3. b) m / 2. c) 2m. d) 3m. e) 6m. 215. (UNIFESP) A small solid sphere is thrown from a height of 0.6m in the horizontal direction, with an initial velocity of 2.0m/s. Upon reaching the ground, by the action of gravity alone, it collides elastically with the floor and is thrown upwards again. Considering g = 10.0m/s2, the velocity module and the angle of launch from the ground, in relation to the horizontal direction, immediately after the collision, are respectively given by a) 4.0m/s and 30°. b) 3.0m/s and 30°. c) 4.0m/s and 60°. d) 6.0m/s and 45°. e) 6.0m/s and 60°.