Distance from the bridge to Piedra del Fraile: 2 hours. Distance from Piedra del Fraile to Paso del Cuadrado (round trip): 6 – 7 hours depending on physical condition. Total estimated time: 2 days and 1 night. Beautiful 2-day trek in which we will have an impressive view of the north face of Fitz Roy, along with the rest of the hills and glaciers. Trip made on January 20 (2024). Don't forget to Subscribe and Like if you enjoyed this Trip as much as we did. If you like, you can also Share so that more people understand this passion. Networks: Instagram: / naturaltrekkingoficial TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@natural.trekk... #Natural #NaturalTrekking #Trekking #Travesia #Mountain #Argentina #Chalten #Patagonia #Landscapes