The courses to join ISEN Méditerranée: https://isen-mediterranee.fr/les-form... To support us via Tipeee: https://fr.tipeee.com/livres-et-science 0:00 intro 0:22 sponsor 1:56 video Summary: Special relativity The photoelectric effect and quantum mechanics Brownian motion, Avogadro's number and the existence of atoms General relativity and space-time Stimulated emission and lasers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources and credits stimulated emission: everything is quantum tea diffusion: Teach With Fergy music: FantasyKeys The Witcher generic music: Waveshaper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The WIKIBALADE channel on the Nobel Prizes in Physics: / @wikibalade6578 The Instagram page: / gregoire_livres_et_science The Twitter page: / livresscience If you are a student, my secondary channels may interest you: Physical Sciences: / @sciencesphysiques7788 Succeed in your Scientific Studies: / @reussirsesetudesscientifiq1868 Professional contact: gregoire (at) livresetscience (dot) com