Ayano Go, Toyokawa Etsushi, Kitamura Kazuki, Koike Eiko, Pierre Taki, and director Oone Hitoshi recently attended the completion report meeting for the Netflix series "The Land Fraudsters" (July 25th) held in Tokyo. The film is a live-action adaptation of the novel of the same name by Shinjo Kou, which was inspired by a real-life case of land fraud. It depicts an unprecedented incident caused by a group of con artists known as "land fraudsters" who use real estate transactions as bait to scam out huge sums of money. The Netflix series "The Land Fraudsters" will be exclusively released worldwide on Netflix on Thursday, July 25th ©Shinjo Kou/Shueisha #Ayano Go #Toyokawa Etsushi #Kitamura Kazuki #Koike Eiko #Pierre Taki #Oone Hitoshi #The Land Fraudsters