The first lesson on egging for beginners by Shimano instructor Masataka Yukawa! If you are not catching any fish with egging, or if you want to catch more, why not take a look back at the basics of egging? If you keep in mind the basics of egging that I will explain, you will be able to catch more squid! 01:40 How to adjust the drag 03:24 Basics of casting 07:25 Line mending 08:01 Bottoming 10:56 Basics of jerking 16:15 How to jerk coolly 22:02 Types of falls Parts that you feel are a waste, and if you do this a little more, you might catch a fish? I have explained the parts in great detail. Official instagram ▶︎ / samurai.joe.my Official Facebook page ▶︎https://www.facebook.com/joestyleging... We also accept requests for guides and corporate projects via Instagram messages. Search Run Gun Adventure for details. The Run Gun Adventure homepage is below ↓ https://wknanki.wixsite.com/joestyle. For details on the items used, see below: Shimano Sephia Extune s902ML Plus Shimano Stella c3000 https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B... Shimano Yumeya Cork Handle Knob https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B... Shimano Pit Bull 8 Plus with Marker 0.6 https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B...