A paddle wheel aerator is a proven technology for enriching water bodies with oxygen. A paddle wheel aerator improves temperature stratification of a water body. Aerators of this type have proven themselves well in fish farms around the world, including Russia. Paddle wheel aerators are widely used in aquaculture, including shrimp farms, in any water bodies, including shallow ones. They create a current that covers the upper layers of water and stir up the water little. Aerators of this type are not used in winter, since ice formation on the wheel blades can cause them to break. In all other cases, paddle wheel aerators are a good choice. Along with rotary (impeller) aerators, they are among the most common in the world. New domestic aeration equipment for aquaculture in Russia was developed by N.M. Belkovsky, PhD, Director of SalmoRu™, R.R. Abibok, Commercial Director. SalmoRu continues to manufacture fish-breeding equipment at Russian production sites. Particular emphasis is placed on the development and manufacture of the latest fish-breeding equipment capable of competing with similar imported equipment. Wheeled paddle aerator: https://www.salmo.ru/catalog/aeratory... Pond construction training, Hurry to sign up, places are limited: https://www.vodoemov.online About me: I have been building ponds for over 20 years Candidate of Biological Sciences Built over 600 ponds I teach at landscape design schools and on my YouTube channel Our work: Website: http://vodoem.su/?utm_source=youtube Yandex Zen channel: http://zen.yandex.ru/id/60dcb5307b48e... Get advice: Phone: +7-903-192-22-99 WhatsApp: https://api.whatsapp.com/send/?phone=... #Aerator #Pond #Fish farming #Fish #Equipment #RAS