Evelyne Musialowski welcomes in EduCare, Véronique Gaspard, former intensive care nurse then school nurse. Certified trainer of the CNVC (Center for NonViolent Communication). To go further The association Déclic – CNV & Education promotes nonviolent communication among education stakeholders (parents and professionals). www.declic-cnveducation.org In France, courses led by certified trainers are listed on the website of the French Association of Trainers in Nonviolent Communication (AFFCNV). www.cnvformations.fr The father of NVC, Marshall ROSENBERG (1934-2015), clinical psychologist and student of Carl Rogers, wrote several books on the subject, the best known of which is: Words are windows (or are walls). La Découverte, third expanded edition. 2018. Sura Hart, Respectful parents, respectful children. La Découverte. 2014. Eric Debarbieux (dir), The Impasse of Punishment at School. Alternative Solutions in the Classroom. Armand Colin. 2018. Guide for Preventive and Restorative School Justice. www.reseau-canope.fr --------------------- editing: Stéphanie Chauveau