Film on the edible cornelian cherry in the collection in Dąbrowice, kept as part of the Genetic Resources at the Department of Variety Science, Nursery and Genetic Resources of the Institute of Horticulture-National Research Institute. Implementation for the MR as part of Task No. 1.2. "Ex situ preservation of genetic resources of horticultural useful plants." At the beginning of September, a film was recorded in the dogwood collection (Department of Popularization and Promotion of the Institute of Horticulture) for the MR entitled "Collection of edible cornelian cherry and selected varieties for cultivation." The film presents the characteristics of the species, the selection of the site for cultivation and the soil requirements of dogwood plants. The care of plants in the collection, methods of harvesting fruit and directions of their use are discussed. Several interesting varieties of edible cornelian cherry, useful for cultivation in orchards and on allotments, are presented, using the example of plants growing in the collection of the Institute of Horticulture-National Research Institute in SD Dąbrowice.