ECTOPIC PREGNANCY, Signs and symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy ● 0:04 - How to identify an ectopic pregnancy ● 0:18 - High-risk pregnancies ● 0:56 - What is an ectopic pregnancy ● 1:21 - Common symptoms between an ectopic pregnancy and a normal pregnancy ● 1:58 - Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy ● 2:55 - Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy with ruptured tube - - - ::: Introduction ::: HOW TO IDENTIFY AN ECTOPIC PREGNANCY Welcome one more day to our Pregnancy & Babies channel! How do I know if I have an ectopic pregnancy? These are the warning signs of a high-risk pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy develops outside the uterus. 2% of pregnancies are ectopic. It is a high-risk pregnancy, dangerous for the mother. Doctors diagnose an ectopic pregnancy in the 8th week of pregnancy. It is a pregnancy with no future. There is no way to transplant the pregnancy to the uterus; the pregnancy must be terminated. Ectopic pregnancy is treated by surgery in the hospital or with medication. WHAT IS AN ECTOPIC PREGNANCY? An ectopic pregnancy or tubal pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg develops outside the uterus, in the fallopian tubes. The chances of an ectopic pregnancy are higher in women over 35 years of age, in women who have become pregnant with an IUD, or in women who have had their tubes tied previously. WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF AN ECTOPIC PREGNANCY? 1. Common symptoms between an ectopic pregnancy and a normal pregnancy An ectopic pregnancy develops in the same way as other pregnancies. It gives a positive result when a pregnancy test is performed. Many of the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy coincide with the first symptoms of a normal pregnancy: nausea, vomiting, tiredness and fatigue, absence of menstruation... To know how to identify if you have an ectopic pregnancy you should be aware of the warning signs. 2. Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy The first warning signs of pregnancy outside the uterus appear in the 8th week of gestation. ABDOMINAL PAIN: The woman will feel abdominal pain on one side of her body. VAGINAL BLEEDING: A woman with an ectopic pregnancy will have vaginal discharge. 3. Symptoms of a ruptured tube Only 50% of women have signs that may alert them to an ectopic pregnancy. The rest of women do not have any symptoms until the tube ruptures. An early ultrasound is the most effective way to check the location of the embryo. The symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy with a ruptured tube are: severe abdominal pain, shoulder pain, dizziness and fainting, intense blood loss... Losing a pregnancy devastates any future mother. Many women who have experienced an ectopic pregnancy have been able to have a pregnancy without complications. If you want to get pregnant, have medical check-ups from the moment you start trying for the baby. Pregnancy and babies If you liked the video, you can subscribe: https://goo.gl/bhioi2 Pregnancy and babies Spain. Content made in Spain. Especially aimed at Moms Spain and Moms United States. Latina moms and pregnant women living in the US - - - If you liked the video, you can subscribe: https://goo.gl/bhioi2 - - - OUR SOCIAL NETWORKS ???????? ● Facebook: / pregnancyandbabies ● Instagram: / pregnancyandbabies ● Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.es/EmbarazoyBebes/ ● Twitter: / pregnancyandbabies ● Web: https://www.embarazoybebes.top/ ● Youtube: / pregnancyandbabies