Paulo Andrade Castro, echoes the lesson given by Paulo Feldman to Daniel Sousa who in the last few days has only talked nonsense about the economy of the Lula government! ******************************************************************** ******************************************************************** SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL AND COLLABORATE WITH OUR FIGHT! ******************************************************************** Accounts to collaborate with the channel: Banco Bradesco: Agency 3544-0 CC: 19990-7 Banco Brasil: Agency 0057-4 CP: 212.704-0 CPF: 385.213.935-04 PIX: 38521393504 CAIXA BANK: AGENCY - 3803 CP: 013 ACCOUNT: 10836-2 ******************************************************************* ******************************************************************** Members Club / @tvesquerdanews-pornossademocra ******************************************************************* Public Statement: TV ESQUERDA NEWS - POR NOSSA DEMOCRACIA, hereby makes it clear to YOUTUBE or to whoever it may interest that we believe in and respect science, and therefore we vehemently condemn any defense of medicine without scientifically proven efficacy and approved by the responsible agencies!