Make a donation and receive a gift: http://don.storiavoce.com/ Did the French live better during the Renaissance than in the Middle Ages, as the image of Epinal suggests? An economic reading of History allows us to challenge certain preconceived ideas. But how can we judge the economic health of a country and the wealth of its population? Do they coincide? Is the influence of a country conditioned by its prosperity? The geographical - and demographic - situation of France, "a country located at the convergence of two seas", highlighted by the geographer Paul Vidal de La Blache, has undeniably influenced its economic development. Can we then speak of French specificity? Charles Serfaty's synthesis allows us to consider differently the highlights and periodicities of French history. The author: Charles Serfaty has a doctorate in economics and is an economist at the Banque de France. At only 31 years old, he published his first book, Economic History of France. From Gaul to the present day, Passés Composés, 2024, 528 p., €27. *** Facebook: / histoireetcivilisationsmag Instagram: / histoireetcivilisations Twitter: / storiavoce