https://www.ulrichbuehrle.de/just-who... In this video I show how the principles of Eckhart Tolle's pain body concept can be combined with The Wholeness Work to transform emotions such as anger, rage and wrath. Together we discover the inner structures that fuel these emotions and learn how we can break free from them by recognizing what we really are: the vast field of consciousness. I not only explain the basics of the pain body concept and how it is linked to our emotions, but also carry out a practical demonstration in which we: 1. Consciously perceive emotions. 2. Identify structures that fuel the emotion. 3. Integrate and dissolve structures. At the end there are valuable tips on how to use self-coaching in everyday life to cultivate gratitude and abundance. Perfect for anyone who wants to work with negative emotions - whether for themselves or as a coach. Letting go of ANGER: This is how it works! 00:00 Eckhart Tolle and the pain body 02:19 Becoming aware of the structure of the pain body with The Wholeness Work 04:33 Find a situation in which the pain body is active 06:49 Live demonstration / coaching 33:45 The observer position / perspective self 34:38 Ego structure that fuels, feeds and feeds on negative feelings 35:53 Ego structure that distracts you during self-exploration 38:08 Pain body = ego structure / Wholeness Work a map for ego structures 40:56 Points of attention for coaches when coaching negative emotions: Emotional bypassing, ... 51:38 Is the Wholeness Work method visual or spatial? 54:19 Honest communication is easier 58:10 Self-coaching - SNACKS 59:23 JUST WHOLENESS Music: • No Need to Hold On 1:00:29 The Wholeness Work® Seminar: Online courses: https://www.ulrichbuehrle.de/ausbildu... FREEBIE online course: https://www.ulrichbuehrle.de/aktuelle... In-person seminars: https://www.ulrichbuehrle.de/ausbildu... With Connirae Andreas: https://wholenesswork.eu/connirae-and... JUST WHOLENESS music: Youtube Music: • Album - No Need to Hold On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-de/trac... Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/de/album/no-n... WHOLENESS PLAYLIST: https://www.ulrichbuehrle.de/just-who... #EckhartTolle #Schmerzkörper #EmotionsTransform #Mindfulness, #Spirituality #MentalHealth