00:00✔️Episode 27 Who Ate the Honey? 07:56✔️Episode 30 Who Put Away the Tent? ❣️Watch EBS Kids' videos quickly! Click to subscribe! → http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... ❣️Want to watch more EBS videos? → http://www.ebs.co.kr/ 'Detective Pete' is a story about the 'Forest Investigation Team' that encounters a mysterious case in the forest and experiences the unique ecology of plants and animals and nature through a chaotic investigation. The activities of the Forest Investigation Team, such as on-site investigations, evidence collection, and inquiry targeting animals, plants, and insects, are just like the activities of actual investigators! Not only is the story fun, but children will be able to experience the wonders of nature and the true value of ecology through vivid real-life videos with animated characters. #Detective Pete #Investigation #Flora and Animals #Nature #Insects #Investigator #Investigation Unit #Animation #Ecology #Forest #Mystery #Animals #Plants #ebs #Kids