First of all, I would like to thank all the friends who have already subscribed to my channel, making it reach 1000 subscribers, something that has made me very excited. In this video I explain in a basic way why our motors are inevitably machines with a limited lifespan, mainly due to the limitations of mechanics, everything that begins has an end. Seeing the motor of an ebike as just another consumable is the reality and we should not be surprised. While it lasts, enjoy it to the fullest as I always do. I honestly believe that they do not last long, the figures I give in the video are usually the distances that an average user normally travels in 4 years of continuous use every weekend, which is not bad either, and many last much longer. By the way, when I talk about robots I slip in when talking about Kuka robots since these are German and I have to say that they work very well. Although I prefer the Fanuc ones, it must be said that they are almost indestructible. A hug and see you in the next video.