-- Easy Painting - Abstract - Real Time - 15 min - For Beginners ---- -Canvas: 20x20 cm -Acrylic paints: mauve, blue, brown, Naples yellow, red, white -synthetic brush - 16, angled brush - 18, painting knife ------- How do I create an abstract picture? --------- 1.How do I start? 2.When is it finished? 3. How do I keep the paints wet? 1. I start applying the paint to the desired area with a painting knife. I mix the colors directly on the canvas. I outline my motif with darker tones, which gives it depth. To create the background, I use the brush to draw the dark color from the border outwards. Add white paint (can be any color, depending on the result you want...) and blend the whole canvas in this way. Now I work out my motif by harmoniously placing different elements. These can be lines, splashes, dots, etc... There are no limits to creativity. 2. The end: I personally find it very difficult to stop in time. Another splash here, another stroke there, and I keep going back and forth. In the end, it's finished when you like it, when the picture is harmonious and coherent, and you have the secure feeling that you're finished. 3. I didn't use any medium to retarder the drying of this picture. No additional water either, except for the splashes: I thinned the paint with water for those. What helps: A cool room When blending, I paint from edge to edge of the last color applied, from the last brushstroke to the next, so I stay within the fresh paint. This creates a streak-free, beautiful, harmonious background. Spray the palette with water. Dampen the brush slightly before picking up the paint. Fast painting But the fast drying is actually very advantageous for many techniques: glazes, structures, thick paint applications ...... -- Easy Painting - ABSTRACT - real time - 15 min - for beginners ---- Canvas: 20x20 cm Acrylics: mauve, blue, brown, Naples yellow red, white -synthetic brush - 16, inclined brush - 18, painting knife -------- How do I create an abstract painting? --------- 1. How do I start? 2. When is it done? 3. How do I keep the paints moist? 1. I start to apply the paints to a desired area with a palette knife. I mix the paints directly on the canvas. I outline my motif with darker tones, which gives depth. To create the background, I use the brush to pull the dark paints outwards from the border. Add white paint (can be any color, depending on what result you want ...) and blend the whole canvas this way. Now I work out my motif by harmoniously placing different elements. This can be lines, splashes, dots, etc. ... There are no limits to creativity. 2. The end: It is very difficult for me personally to stop in time. There is another splash, here is another line and so I reach in again and again. In the end it is finished when you like it, when the painting is harmonious and you have the feeling of being finished. 3. I have not used any medium as a drying retarder in this painting No additional water either, except for the splashes: I thinned the paint with water. What helps: Cool room I blend from edge to edge of the last paint applied, from the last brush stroke to the next, so I stay within the fresh paint. This creates a streak-free, beautiful, harmonious background. Spray the painting palette with water. Moisten the brush slightly before taking the color. Fast painting But actually, quick drying is very advantageous for many techniques: glazes, structures, thick paint applications ...... ( Google translator ) Music: -Music: Rain - AShamaluevMusic. Music Link: • Rain - Nostalgic and Sad Piano Backgr... -Music Info: Relaxing - AShamaluevMusic. Music Link: • Relaxing - by AShamaluevMusic (Calm A... Social Media: *** Facebook: facebook.com/ElsaWeissBekolli / ebw.art --- Elsa Weiß - Creative Art - Acrylic Painting *** Instagram: / elsa.wb *** Twitter: / elsawb2 *** Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/Elsaweissbekolli Website: www.elsa-weiss-bekolli.de https://www.elsa-wei ss-bekolli.de/gal... https://www.elsa-weiss-bekolli.de/gal... https://www.elsa-weiss-bekolli.de/gal... https://www.elsa-weiss-bekolli.de/gal... Online shop: https://www.elsa-weiss-bekolli.de/shop Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/de/shop/ElsaWeis...