10-round quizzes are usually pretty mean, aren't they? This time, we've made it easier so that if you answer honestly, you'll get the right answer! Here's the answer to today's question ↓ Which Disney film was the world's first full-length color animated film? https://web.quizknock.com/hakushiki-t... ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー◆Learn with QuizKnock here! / qkmanab Please subscribe to our channel. ◆The game commentary channel "GameKnack" is here! / qkgameknack Please subscribe to our channel. ◆QuizKnock sub-channel / qkkaigi We'll be doing a relaxed program with unreleased scenes, question corners, and behind-the-scenes stories from meetings. ◆Twitter Izawa Takuji @tax_i_ ( / tax_i_ ) Kawamura Takuya @kawamura_domo ( / kawamura_domo ) Sugai Shunki @Sugai_Shunki ( / sugai_shunki ) Kou-chan @Miracle_Fusion ( / miracle_fusion ) Yamamoto Yoshiaki @quiz_yamamoto ( / quiz_yamamoto ) Fukura P @fukura_p ( / fukura_p ) Inui @QK_inui ( / qk_inui ) Quiz Knock @QuizKnock ( / quizknock ) ◆Add as a friend to the QuizKnock official LINE account here ↓ https://lin.ee/o7VTBRo ◆For inquiries please visit https://www.portal.quizknock.com/contact ◆Provided by Powered by QuizKnock (https://quizknock.com) ◆Materials provided by OtoLogic → https://otologic.jp Pocket Sound → https://pocket-se.info/ Maoudamashii → https://maoudamashii.jokersounds.com/ Free BGM and music materials MusMus → http://musmus.main.jp/ PIXTA → https://pixta.jp/