Donations with voice acting on the stream http://www.donationalerts.ru/r/qordes Let's see in practice what we can get with a huge MF in level 85 locations and horror zones --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My links: Sponsored subscription - https://boosty.to/qordes Vkontakte - https://vk.cc/5TxHUp Discord server - / discord For advertising inquiries - https://vk.com/qordes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For direct donations without voice acting on the stream Sber - 2202 2050 2592 7606 Alpha - 5559 4941 0074 3805 QIWI - RILEA560 Bitcoin - 1LJERkwrSNouEUWYeWZiRQChLqcR5CUG1d ETH - 0x6ec87ab469a97eb9672c3a97b13bc9e3475ca397 USDT (TRC20) - TBSgeMBoxnhdufx9zmYBucWup2T2Q1xPHV