???? Discussion topic: __________________________________ The future of the Earth will be determined by a number of factors: increasing solar luminosity, loss of thermal energy from the Earth's core, disturbances from other bodies in the Solar System, plate tectonics, and surface biochemistry. If intelligent life on it makes significant progress, it will also be determined by anthropogenic factors. According to Milankovitch theory, the planet will continue to undergo glaciation cycles due to changes in the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit, the tilt of its axis, and the precession of its axis. As a result of the ongoing supercontinent cycle, plate tectonics will likely lead to the formation of a supercontinent in 250–350 million years, and over the next 1.5–4.5 billion years, the tilt of the Earth's axis[2] may begin to experience chaotic changes with deviations of up to 90°. (Earth for the next billion years.) ???? Space details: __________________________________ ● Music from videos / Patreon: / evilspace ● Bank - Tinkoff: 5536 9138 2137 1313 ● Become a channel sponsor and you will get access to exclusive bonuses. More details: / @_roin ● Our Space Channel (Telegram): https://t.me/evil_space ● Group (VK): https://vk.com/club66650642 ● Our CHAT: (Telegram): https://t.me/ES_BRO ● Yandex Zen: https://zen.yandex.ru/id/6230a14e85ae... ???? Our Channels: __________________________________ ● Evil Space - / @deepevilspace ● Espacio Profundo - / @espacioprofundo ● Raumfahrt - / @raumfahrt_ ● Space Voyage - / @space-voyage ● L'ère de l'espace - / @_espace ● Voyage spatial - / @voyage_spatial ● Weltraumreise - / @weltraumreise ● Space Journey - / @spacejourney_ ● Space Age - / @spaceiseternal ● Weltraumzeitalter - / @viagemespacial ● La era Espacial - / @perjalananluarangkasa-te2qm ● Evil Space - / @roiin ???? Music: __________________________________ https://synthwave-radio.bandcamp.com/ https://www.apple.com/itunes/ https://bleep.com/ https://www.qobuz.com/gb-en/shop https://www.worldofbooks.com/en-gb/ca... ???? Animation: __________________________________ The Norwegian Nobel Institute. melodysheep: / melodysheep Jeremy jozwik: https://www.artstation.com/zeuxis_of_... Egor Demin: https://www.artstation.com/darth_biomech Darth Biomech https://www.artstation.com/darth_biomech Kosmo: / @off_kosmo Fish tree https://www.deviantart.com/fishytree/ Ken York of YD Visual / ydvisual Kristiityan Tavkar https://www.miragedereve.com Chris Holland (Mafic Studios) www.maficstudios.com LegionTech Studio Kris Holland of Mafic Stufios: www.maficstudios.com Sergio Boterio https: https://www.artstation.com/sboterod Bryan Versteeg http://spacehabs.com Keith Carson, Jarred Eagley, Udo Schroeter, Mihail Yordanov, https://vimeo.com/188056550 Misho Yordanov, Pierre Demet. Stefan Blandin. ???? Sources: __________________________________ https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/menu/space/ https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/what-is-a... https://viewspace.org/ https://www.space.com/whats-beyond-un... ???? Tags: __________________________________ #earth #pangea #space #Planets #universe #civilizations #Planets #Life #supernova #earth #phenomenon #anomalies #Ocean #Space #Astrophysics #Universe #Travel #Missions #Collection #Satellites #Research #Evilspace #SpaceStudy #SciencePop #Probes #Ostranomy #ChannelSpace ???? Author ӏ Collaboration: __________________________________ Email: [email protected] / https://vk.com/id243180193