Lecture by dr hab. Krzysztof Mizerski as part of the Fascinating Earth series, Institute of Geophysics PAN [April 24, 2024] The Earth's magnetic field is generated by the turbulent flow of liquid iron in the core - a layer starting at a depth of about 3000 km and extending to about 2300 km in depth. Probable generation mechanisms consisting in stretching and bending of magnetic field lines by a complex flow will be discussed, as well as the most important aspects of the dynamics of the geomagnetic field, both those necessary for the occurrence of the hydromagnetic dynamo process itself and those related to its natural evolution. Presenter: dr hab. Krzysztof Mizerski - works in the Department of Magnetism, Institute of Geophysics PAN. He deals with theoretical magnetohydrodynamics with particular emphasis on the hydromagnetic dynamo process, i.e. the process of generating large-scale fields by conducting fluids, including the cores of planets and stars. The project of the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, "Fascinating Earth" is financed from the state budget under the program of the Minister of Education and Science called "Science for Society". If you want to support Wszechnica in further content creation, organizing further #rozmowyWszechnicy, you can: 1. Become a Patron of Wszechnica FWW on the website https://patronite.pl/wszechnicafww Through the Patronite portal, you can support the creation of the #rozmowyWszechnicy series not only with a kind word, but also financially. As a Patron, you pay regular, monthly amounts to the Wszechnica account, and thanks to your support we can continue to develop our activities. As a thank you, we have small prizes for you. 2. You can support us by shopping using the Fanimani.pl website - https://tiny.pl/wkwpk If you shop online, you can support us for free. On average, 2.5% of each purchase will go to Wszechnica, if you start using the FaniMani.pl website, you don't pay anything extra! 3. You can make a donation to us for statutory purposes by traditional bank transfer. Donations for the Rural Development Foundation can be made to the account number: 33 1600 1462 1808 7033 4000 0001 Rural Development Foundation Find us: / Wszechnicafww / Wszechnicafww1 https://anchor.fm/wszechnicaorgpl---h... https://anchor.fm/wszechnica-fww-nauka https://wszechnica.org.pl/ #ziemia #igfpan #geofizyka #nauka