This is a new exclusive space for doctors and health professionals who want to increase their results ✨ I invite you to watch this space “Boost your Health Office”… Today we have Dr. Martha Muriel who has been working with me in different mentoring programs and APC processes Attraction of Qualified Patients. ✨ Aesthetic Doctor with more than 3 years with her independent office. I invite you to watch this story of how she has managed to make things happen in your health office or business! I invite you to watch this story of how she has managed to enhance her health office. Clara Ramírez Mentor for Doctors and Health Professionals. Watch the full episode: https://open.spotify.com/show/5QRGXWw... ⚠️ Exclusive content for doctors and health professionals who want to raise their income level and transform their professional activity into a business. Follow me on Instagram / clararamirezar #clararamirezar #clararamirezarmentora #medicaloffice #medicalmarketing #keystogrowingyourhealthoffice