Tintoria is the podcast by @sandanieletinti and @StefanoRapone, produced by @thecomedyclub. Get NordVPN here: https://nordvpn.com/tintoria -------------------------------------- Guest of this diabolically sabotaged episode of @tintoriapodcast Caterina Guzzanti. Between one whistle and another, we talked about “de Cristo” vacuum cleaners, New York rats and past and present dental traumas. Caterina also told us about her work with comic reliefs such as Gialappa's and Serena Dandini and the genesis of Vicky from Casapound, a fragile character also born from a reflection on certain couple dynamics. We then learned both how to laugh out of courtesy on social occasions, and how not to laugh, for example at 'LoL' and on the crazy set of 'Boris'. Finally, Caterina told us about her equestrian adventures, the Christmas movie 'Elf Me', with her and Lillo elfs also dubbed in Japanese, and about funny encounters with Craxi. You can follow Tintoria here: / tintoriapodcast You can follow Rapone here: / grandiraponi You can follow Tinti here: / sandanieletinti You can follow Caterina Guzzanti here: / caterguz You can follow The Comedy Club here: / thecomedyclub.it Tintoria is also on TikTok: / tintoriapodcast Direction and editing: Enrico Berardi https://focusaziende.it Filming: Leonardo Picozzi Audio: Antonio Arcieri The theme song for Tintoria is by Di Gregorio: https://open.spotify.com/artist/72kN7... Animated theme song: Crocopie Studio www.206lab.com/crocopie-studio www.instagram.com/crocopie_studio