Tintoria is the podcast by @sandanieletinti and @StefanoRapone, produced by @thecomedyclub. Find lessons and courses on offer for Tintoria listeners here: https://chitarrafacile.com/tintoria Guest of this episode of @tintoriapodcast Alex Britti singer-songwriter, guitarist and bluesman. We talked about his debut as a young man in the most important Italian blues bands, with masters such as Roberto Ciotti, his Dutch/Northern European period always with a passport in hand, the bang between '98 and 2000 with the albums 'It.Pop' and 'La Vasca' and his collaborations with artists of the caliber of Pino Daniele, Rosa King and Corrado Guzzanti. Alex told us about his passion for eating well always and everywhere, revealed the behind the scenes of his participation in Celebrity MasterChef and also exchanged improvised gourmet recipes with Rapone as an Italian abroad. We then talked about his latest single 'Supereroi' and Alex improvised a little concert just for Tintoria. Listen to 'Supereroi' here: https://bit.ly/AlexBritti-SUPEREROI You can follow Tintoria here: / tintoriapodcast You can follow Tinti here: / sandanieletinti You can follow Rapone here: / grandiraponi You can follow Alex Britti here: / alex_britti You can follow The Comedy Club here: / thecomedyclub.it Tintoria is also on TikTok: / tintoriapodcast Direction and editing: Enrico Berardi (@enricoberardivideographer-3126) https://focusaziende.it Filming: Leonardo Picozzi Audio: Antonio Arcieri The Tintoria theme song is by Di Gregorio: https://open.spotify.com/artist/72kN7... Animated theme song: Crocopie Studio www.206lab.com/crocopie-studio www.instagram.com/crocopie_studio