Course of the Moscow State University DVI with an MSU Mathematician: https://3.shkolkovo.online/math-msu-dvi Summer school of the Unified State Exam with an MSU mathematician: https://3.shkolkovo.online/mgu/summer All announcements and mathematical activity in Andrey Pavlikov's Telegram: https://t.me/mathmsu Materials for the SIROP intensive course are here: https://mnlp.cc/mini?domain=mathmsu&i... Courses on the specialized Unified State Exam with an MSU Mathematician: https://3.shkolkovo.online/math-msu If you are in the 10th grade, then this is for you: https://t.me/+yeAlGTQAn5E0ZmZi VK group: https://vk.com/hitman_math Tik-Tok: / hitman_math My Instagram: / andreypavlikov_math Timestamps: 0:00 Not April Fools' humor 0:34 What are we talking about today 1:34 When we were schoolchildren 2:05 And what now 2:52 Good evening! Wake up! 3:33 Evaluating the DVI option 4:18 Who is the first problem for? 4:44 Problem 1 6:43 Entrance exams are my favorite topic 7:45 Problem 2 10:50 We passed the DVI in five minutes 12:13 Alexey about the 1990 option 14:13 Problem 3 16:27 Savvateev talked Pavlikov into it 21:18 He is infantile and will not pass 22:59 Problem 4 24:50 This is what they catch you on - the ODZ is not fully found 27:00 Potentiate, potential, potency 27:52 Caught a second time 28:50 We'll find a place now 30:27 I got to the biquadratic equations myself 35:21 How are things at the Mechanics and Mathematics Department now? 37:24 Problem 5 40:55 We entered the Mechanics and Mathematics Department in half an hour 41:15 About the seriousness of intentions at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics 42:49 A problem for an A from the oral exam in 1990 47:32 I'll put in my two cents about my exam 51:00 The answer is obvious, but the trend is opposite 52:13 PS from Savvateev #Mathematics Mathematics exam Moscow State University #DVIMGU Additional entrance test Written exam Competition problems #Mechanics and Mathematics Savvateev Calculations Geometric progression Trigonometric equation Logarithmic inequality ODZ Range of admissible values Monotonicity Geometry Planimetry Trapezoid Circle Oral exam Number theory DVIMGU 2020