???? EXPLORE THE UNIQUE ENERGY OF GAÚCHA MUSIC IN OUR EXCLUSIVE PLAYLIST: • BEST GAÚCHA SONGS: TOP 22 CLASSICS... ???? DO YOU DREAM OF HAVING YOUR PLAYING AND/OR SINGING VIDEO PUBLISHED ON OUR CHANNEL? SO, CONNECT WITH US ON WHATSAPP TO BE PART OF THIS MUSICAL COMMUNITY: https://wa.me/5551999559587 ???? FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: INSTAGRAM: / asmelhorescancoesgauchas TIK TOK: / asmelhorescancoesgauchas SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/user/usadisc... ???? SELECTION OF MUSIC: 1 - Um Bagual Corcoveador 2 - Na Neguinha 3 - Touro Pintado 4 - Pau Que Dá Cavaco 5 - Montado De Sul A Norte 6 - My Way 7 - China Atrevida 8 - Xixando 9 - Aconteceu Comigo 10 - Pra Revere A Namorada 11 - Me Vou Pra Vaneira 12 - Chinoca Teimosa / Não Deu Pra Te Esquecer 13 - Farrancho Missioneiro 14 - Veteran 15 - My Song 16 - In the Lowlands of Manduca 17 - Prayer 18 - Longing for Compadre 19 - My Childhood 20 - Pilchas 21 - The Frogs of Boca Braba 22 - Country Sound 23 - Dancer and Carpeta 24 - My Love 25 - Crossing Mountains and Borders 26 - Fandango in Solitude ???? SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL TO FOLLOW THE LATEST NEWS. #riograndedosul #GauchoMusic #FarroupilhaWeek #TheBestGauchoSongs #AlmadoRioGrandeCandieiroCDBailãoGaúcho #GauchoMusic #GauchoMusic #The100MostPlayedGauchoSongs #MusicFromTheSouth #TraditionalMusic #The20BestGauchoSongs #MostPlayedGauchesca #NativistMusic #TraditionalGauchoMusic #MostPlayedGauchescaMusic #UmBagualCorcoveador, #NaNeguinha, #PaintedBull, #PauQueDáCavaco, #MontadoDeSouthANorte, #MyWay, #CheekyChina, #Xixando, #ItHappenedToMe, #ToSeeYourGirlfriend Again, #I'mGoingToVaneira, #StubbornChinese, #FarranchoMissioneiro, #Veteran, #MySong, #InBaixadaDoManduca, #Prayer, #LongingForCompadre, #MyChildhood, #Pilchas, #TheFrogsOfBocaBraba, #SoundCampeiro, #DanceAndCarpeta, #MyLove, #CrossingTheSeaAndTheFront, #FandangoInSoledade #joaoluizcorrêa #porcaveia #osserranos #baitaca #bereniceazambuja