This is the title of Monsignor Jonas Abib's first DVD. A production of high artistic and musical level that included the participation of musicians and all the singers of the Canção Nova Community, such as: Deacon Nelsinho Corrêa, Dunga, Eliana Ribeiro, Flavinho, Laércio Oliveira, Mariana and Clarissa, Márcio Todeschini, Father Cleidimar, Ricardo Sá and Salette Ferreira. Each song was a spectacle. The 21 songs were a retrospective of the Monsignor's musical history and the audience that follows his work can remember with emotion important moments of the community through these melodies. Monsignor Jonas Abib has been a musician for 30 years and in an eclectic style, his DVD brings together famous songs such as: Sal na massa, Não dá mais para volta, as well as the unreleased song Glória a Deus, among others. Year: 2007 #musicacatolica #musica FOLLOW US ON MEDIA: https://musica.cancaonova.com/ / musicacancaonova / musica.cancaonova SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL! / musica canção nova -------------------------------------------