If you liked the documentary you can support it by subscribing to the channel or making a donation at: https://acats.cat/documentals/filmogr... “Durruti: son of the people” deals with the life of the Leonese anarchist Buenaventura Durruti, of whom there is a large bibliography but few audiovisual productions. Durruti has become a symbol of the labor movement and anarchism at an international level. Through different resources such as recreations, animations, interviews with his relatives, testimonies from historians, we will delve into a historical plot that goes from the strike of 1917 to the social revolution of 1936, passing through the rise of the CNT, the years of boss gunfighting, the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, the Second Republic and the Civil War. #documentary #documentary #anarchy #durruti #history #documentary #spanishcivilwar #revolution #anarchism #anarchy #anarchist