Topics covered in this live: What is ductal carcinoma in situ? Why does it form? How to diagnose it? What are the types of ductal carcinoma in situ? What is safer: removing the lesion or removing the breast? Do I need to have armpit surgery? Do I need chemotherapy? Do I need radiotherapy? When do I need to take medications to prevent it? What is the risk of in situ cancer returning? Join our Telegram group ↴ https://t.me/supereocancerdemama You can also find me ↴ Facebook ☛ / drdouglasgomes Instagram ☛ / dr.douglasgomes #supereocancerdemama #breastcancer #mastology #mastologist #pinkoctober #breastcancerhasacure #oncology #cancerhasacure #breastcancer #chemotherapy #health #breast #mammography #pathology #breastpathology