Click to subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHKl... WMN Facebook: / wmnmagazin; WMN home page: https://wmn.hu/ WMN newsletter: https://wmn.hu/hirlevel-feliratkozas Edina Pottyondy - who probably doesn't need to be introduced to YouTube users - managed to do what only a few people can do in the second minute of Elviszlek with me in his car: embarrassed Kriszta D. Tóth. Of course, this was not done with bad intentions at all, in fact. Even though Edina often says embarrassing things on purpose, for example because they are funny. Now, however, it was not only with this intention that she spoke completely openly about her postpartum depression or her desire for a career as a mother. But because these are very important topics. I'll Take You With Me: Pottyondy Edina