Atchariya Ruangrattanapong and Panthep Puaphongphan announced the recruitment of people who look like Tangmo and San to reenact the incident of falling off the boat. This was after the DSI set up a team of experts to help prove the case. #TangmoCase #PantepPuaphongphan #TangmoNida #AtchariyaRuangrattanapong #TangmoFalledOffBoat #GeneralNews #BreakingNews #LatestNews #Today'sNews #AmarinHotNews #AmarinTV #amarintvonline #AmarinOnlineNews -------------------------- #AmarinNews AmarinTV HD 34 Follow the movement and update the news #TrendyNews #LatestNews from #AmarinTVChannel34 for more information at https://www.amarintv.com and social media channels YouTube AmarinTV: / @amarintvhd Facebook: / amarintvhd Instagram: / amarintvhd TikTok: / amarintvhd You can follow information on #Economy #Business #Finance #Investment and #InternationalNews from SPOTLIGHT #SPOTLIGHTTH #SeeEveryBusinessOpportunity #SpotlightWorld More at website https://www.amarintv.com/spotlight Facebook : / spotlightbizth YouTube SPOTLIGHT : / @spotlightth Instagram : / spotlightbizth TikTok : / spotlightbizth