When to prune a vine? The period in which dry pruning is performed on a vine is called the vegetative rest period and lasts from late autumn to early spring. More precisely, pruning can be started 2-3 weeks after all the leaves have been shaken off and until the sap begins to circulate, that is, until the vine begins to weep. The exact period is determined depending on the climate zone and the variety of vine cultivated. Pruning is postponed until the extreme negative temperatures rise above the resistance limit of the vine, that is, until we know for sure that there is no longer a risk of freezing. It is preferable to make the relief pruning in autumn and to make the final pruning towards the end of winter. Start with the older vines and towards the end with the young and developing ones (up to 5 years old). About pruning: • Pruning grapevines in autumn - pruning ... The first thing you need to see before asking yourself the question of correct pruning of grapevines, especially if you are a beginner, is to choose the type of pruning and management appropriate for the grapevine varieties you have: • Types of pruning for grapevines s... About grapevines: • Grapevines About fruit trees and shrubs: • Fruit trees and shrubs Donate for needy children: https://worldvision.ro/implica-te/per... Disclaimer: Some links are affiliate - through them I earn a small commission if you buy something (at no additional cost to you). #period #pruning #vine