Drought and aridity are causing problems for agriculture. In many places in Germany, groundwater is replenished less than it used to. As a result, many farmers are no longer allowed to take as much water from wells as they used to. At the same time, however, climate change means they need more water. Dry fields lead to poor harvests. The climate, and with it the precipitation that is important for agriculture, is constantly changing. If the water supply is to work in the future, new solutions are needed. #Agriculture #Water #Drought Farmer Franz Lehner did not used to have to worry too much about water: When it was drier and hotter in his area of Straubing-Bogen, he could irrigate his fields with water from wells. But it is no longer that simple - almost everywhere in Bavaria, less groundwater is being replenished than before. As a result, farmers are allowed to irrigate less, and in some cases they are not allowed to drill new wells at all. At the same time, water demand is increasing - because it is raining less and has become hotter. A vicious circle. Solutions are needed to break it. In the Bergtheimer Mulde in Lower Franconia, for example, they hope to be able to use water from the Main for irrigation in the future in order to protect the groundwater. But there is also resistance there - environmentalists fear that the consequences for the Main are not being considered sufficiently before investments are made here. Another water source could possibly help: the sewage treatment plant. Instead of simply pumping the water into the river after treatment, researchers want to use it to irrigate fields. If there is a permit for this, it could be an important part of the solution so that farmers can continue to have water available in a planned manner to produce our food. This is important because otherwise we will be even more dependent on imports from other countries - which often manage their water much worse, as the example of Spain shows.