#AdventureDiagnosis #Podcast #NDR It is winter when Ramona J.'s nose becomes completely dry and bleeds every now and then. Probably the air from the heating, she thinks at the time. But the dryness remains even when winter is over and spreads further and further within her over the next 15 years. In the end, it is so bad that she no longer has any tears even when she has to cry. For years, Ramona J. goes from doctor to doctor. But no doctor can figure out what is wrong with her - until she finally has an idea herself and gets the ball rolling. Host: Anke Christians Author: Volker Arend More cases and information about rare diseases can be found here: https://www.ndr.de/abenteuerdiagnose Warning: Spoilers! If you click on these two links, you will find out more about the diagnosed disease: https://1.ard.de/AD-F68-web Here you can find the TV episode in the ARD Mediathek: https://1.ard.de/AD-F68-video Are you looking for more exciting medical topics to listen to? From January 3rd there will be new podcast episodes of the nutrition docs! https://1.ard.de/Ernaehrungs-Docs_Pod... ___________________________________________________ ARD GESUND with Dr. Julia Fischer is a YouTube channel of ARD GESUND