Negua Ospatuz. Heat, colour and rhythms of winter Constants such as fire, costumes, songs and dances, postulations; the associations between rites with their parallels and contrasts; the symbols that appear... All of this is highlighted in this documentary in DVD format, but without an erudite or dogmatic pretension: simply as insinuations, as suggestions. It cannot be otherwise when we approach a phenomenon such as festivals and rites that are by definition ambiguous, slippery, paradoxical. The celebrations presented here have had a beginning, were created at a given time, and as living elements that they are, they have evolved. Some are in full expansion, others in decline or in transformation towards something different whose profiles are still blurred. That is why it can be said that the festival, based on ritual repetition, is always different. Because for each generation it has a different meaning. Negua Ospatuz. Heat, color and rhythms of winter errituak, eta haien arteko berdintasunak eta desberdintasunak; azaleratzen dituzten sinbologiak... Documentary honetan horiek guztiak ageri dira, baina asmo eruditurik edo dogmatikorik gabe: aieru, iradokizun... gisa baizik. Ezin gives bestela jokatu jaiak eta errituak lantzeko; izan ere, anbiguoak, irristakorrak, paradoxikoak dira. Hemen aurkezten diren ospakizunek hadera izan zuten noizbait, une jakin batean sortu ziren, eta elementu biziak direnez, bilakaera jakina izan dute. Haietako batzuk indarrez hedatzen ari dira, beste batzuk indarra galtzen edo aldatzen ari dira, eta ez dakigu oraindik garbi zer forma hartuko duten. Horregatik esan daiteke jaia, errituen errepikapena izanagatik ere, desberdina izaten dela beti. Izan ere, esanahi jakin bat izaten du belaunaldi bakoitzarentzat.