** DRUGS AND TINNITUS ** Is there a pharmacological cure for tinnitus? What interactions do drugs have with the perception of tinnitus? These and other questions we asked Dr. Paolo Enrico, a neuropharmacologist at the University of Sassari who has written several scientific publications on the subject. Listen to what he answered. For more information call us or write to us: tel: 02 48011361 email: [email protected] web: https://www.delbotecnologiaascolto.it/ - for #deafness and #hearingaids web: https://www.tinnitusclinic.it/ - for #tinnitus and #hyperacusis Follow Del Bo Tecnologia per l'ascolto and its magazines for all the news and updates: https://www.sordita.it/ https://www.acufene.it/ Del Bo Tecnologia per l'ascolto Tinnitus Clinic Via Santa Sofia 29 20122 Milan #hearingaid #deafness #tinnitus