How does cocaine arrive in European ports? What are the alternative drug routes? What does the Balkan route look like and how important is it? How much drugs have the Serbian police seized since the fall of the Veljko Belivuk clan? #heating #drugroads #mladenradulović #mladenmijatovic #mafia #narcocartels #kurir #kurirTelevision WATCH NOW KURIR TELEVISION LIVE 24H https://www.kurir.rs/tv MOTHERS AND DAUGHTER-IN-LAWS https://bit.ly/3fvBIMy SCENERY https://bit.ly/3m1AH01 300 MIRACLES https://www.kurir.rs/tv/emisije/300-cuda QUIZ MOSAIC https://bit.ly/3m9fjGs CLOSE Kurir on YT https://bit.ly/2CnWLzP Kurir on Facebook --- / kuririnfo Kurir on Instagram --- / kurir.rs Kurir on Twitter --- / kurirvesti Kurir on TikTok --- / redakcijakurira VISIT THE SITE https://www.kurir.rs/ COPYRIGHT: Kurir !!! Any copying of video and/or audio recordings and posting on other channels is prohibited!!!