It's been a while since it came out, but I got on because I had something to do. First, the three No. 51 Electic Cities are 2429, 2433, and 2517. No. 2429 and 2433 are 2014 Fiberbirds, No. 2429 has been scrapped, and No. 2433 is on display at the automobile museum. No. 2517 is a 2013 Unicity diesel, originally No. 200. However, it was scrapped without a sound, and No. 2435, which was the reserve because one of the two was reduced, was fixed. First, the buses started to be full at 8:51, and after that, people kept getting on and the buses were full. There are too many people on buses 50 and 51 these days. I wish there would be fewer people. (Please enjoy the video.)