Please Subscribe to my channel! Subscribe to my channel for more videos. Driving In Abidjan, Cote D'ivoire : From Echangeur Solibra to Riviera Palmeraie, Abidjan Mall, Cap Nord opening to circulation of the Ivorian-Japanese friendship exchanger, solibra exchanger symbol of the excellence of relations between Japan and Côte d'Ivoire, is located on the border of the communes of Marcory and Treichville, on the main urban highway of Abidjan in 2x4 lanes #EchangeurSolibra #Riviera #Abidjan #ivoiro-japonaise #AbidjanMall Financing of the Solibra interchange construction projects and equipment of the SNPECI printing process: Japan grants a donation of 1.245 billion FCFA to Côte d'Ivoire. Abidjan is the economic capital of Ivory Coast and one of the most populous French-speaking cities in Africa. According to the 2014 census, Abidjan's population was 4.7 million, which is 20 percent of the overall population of the country, and this also makes it the sixth most populous city proper in Africa, after Lagos, Cairo, Kinshasa, Dar es Salaam, and Johannesburg. A cultural crossroads of West Africa, Abidjan is characterized by a high level of industrialization and urbanization. ルワンダ,マダガスカル,ナミビア,モーリシャス,タンザニア,エスワティニ,ウガンダ,ケニア,ジンバブエ,モザンビーク,アルジェリア,チュニジア, 南アフリカ,モロッコ,エジプト,アフリカ大陸,アフリカ観光, コートジボワール,ガーナ