From the new year, global changes will begin for pensioners - starting from the introduction of new payments and guaranteed amounts approved by the state and ending with the pension reform and a change in the pension calculation formula in general. Epotential - https://www.kmu.gov.ua/news/uriad-pid... Basic social assistance - https://www.msp.gov.ua/projects/834/ Pension Reform - https://spo.fpsu.org.ua/laws/proyekty... Narodna Dumka main opinions and news of Ukraine and Ukrainians in an accessible format: • Narodny Tik-Tok - / narodnadumka • Narodny TELEGRAM - https://t.me/NarodnaDum • Live Facebook - / dubrovskijlive • Narodna Instagram - / narodnad Support of the people's channel, sponsorship: / @NarodnaDumka #Top5Pensioners #PensionReform #BasicAid #NarodnaDumka