Synopsis of the social film Illusions: A young man named Sherwin loses his wife on his honeymoon. Shervin's search for his wife is fruitless, until he discovers her murder. Shervin, who is addicted to taking psychoactive pills, is unable to understand this story until he finds some strange evidence... --------------------- ------------------- Illusion Movie - Full Subscribe for More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/ShahreFarangs... ------- ---------------------------------- Actors of the Iranian movie Oham: Shahab Hosseini, Maral Farjad, Lale Eskandari, Babak Hamidian, Kazem Najjarzadeh, Neda Asadi and Mehyar Baradaran, director of the Farsi film Illusions: Kazem Masoumi The author of the drama film Uham: Alireza Rajaieh, Mahdi Kia, the producer of the film Uham: Amirhossein Sharifi Release year: 1386 Genre: Drama, Social ------------------------- ---------------- A young man named Shervin loses his wife during his honeymoon. Shervin's search for his wife is fruitless until he discovers that she has been murdered. Shervin, who is addicted to psychedelics, fails to understand this story until he finds strange evidence. --------------------------------------- Film Oham - Full Movie Cast: Shahab Hosseini, Maral Farjad, Lale Eskandari, Babak Hamidian, Kazem Najarzadeh, Neda Asadi and Mahyar Baradaran Director: Kazem Masoumi Author: Alireza Rajaieh, Mehdi Kia Producer: Amirhossein Sharifi Release: 2007 Genre: Drama, Social ---------- ------------------------------ To watch more movies, click on the following link: • Persian Movies Movie ----------------------------------------- #Oham #Oham_film #social_film #film #فيلم_سينمعي #فيلم_irani #film #movie #film_irani #oham #film_oham #فيلم_درام #شهاب_حسيني We have fully licensed this video and have the right to publish it on YouTube.