The legendary commander of the Special Police Detachment of the Ministry of the Interior of BiH, Dragan Vikić, with his honest testimony at the Court of BiH, underlined his innocence for the alleged war crimes he is charged with https://avaz.ba/vijesti/bih/660804/vi... ???? Subscribe: https://bit.ly/2lXWNWz ✔ Social Media: https://emdc.yt/avaztv Welcome to the official YouTube channel Avaz TV of the most read portal and the highest circulation daily newspaper in BiH, Dnevni avaz EMDC Network ✔ Facebook: https://emdc.yt/EMDCFB ✔ Instagram: https://emdc.yt/EMDCIN ✔ Web: http://emdcnetwork.com #DraganVikić #Specijalnajedinica #AvazTV