Feel free to donate if you want to support the Hinterhalt and its great cultural events: www.paypal.me/kilev or Kulturverein Isar-Loisach eV (KIL) IBAN: DE49 7016 9543 0002 7374 77 BIC: GENODEF1HHS https://www.kulturverein-isar-loisach.de Dr. Pablo Hagemeyer (Wolfratshausen) reads from his new book "The Perfidious Games of Narcissists". We have all had our experiences with narcissists. And they usually leave traces: an uneasy feeling of having been exploited, fear of further encounters, in some cases even trauma. Dr. med. Pablo Hagemeyer uses numerous examples to create a panorama of the perfidious games of narcissists who make life difficult for their victims - whether in their private or professional lives. The narcissism expert offers information, concrete instructions for resistance and the hope for self-determination. The anti-narcissism program for all those affected!