In this video from natugood.com we interviewed Doctor José Carlos Souto who answers questions from our Natugood Community about the low-carb and paleolithic diet: Isabel Sousa Andrade - I would like to hear him explain, in his own way, the main differences between the metabolism of carbohydrates carbon, proteins and dietary fat throughout our body. In particular, how and to what extent each of these macronutrients contributes (a lot or a little and why) to accumulating body fat. Not all doctors know how to explain this simply and clearly. Claudia - Hi doctor José Carlos! Would it be true that if we eat every 2 or 3 hours, this would speed up our metabolism? This way the body wouldn't store fat? Daniela Sousa - I lose more fat doing LCHF but if any diet works! How does it work to lose weight? what to control? the calories? or the macronutrients of each diet? Priscila Santos - Is there any type of % count of good fats, carbohydrates and proteins in the daily composition of a paleo diet? If not (I've seen it said that it's “eat as much as you want”), how does the person compose their diet so that they don't overdo any of the macro nutrients? Katia Regina Ferreira Pinto - Good afternoon! I'm on the Dukan diet and I can't wait to eat bread and bananas. Furthermore, in 15 days I only lost 3 kg and the scale stopped even though I increased the time on the treadmill. What do I do? I need and want to lose weight but it has never been so difficult. I believe it is because of my age, 46 years old. Thanks. Roseane - Good afternoon. I've been dieting for 4 months and I've lost 5.5kg in 2 months. After those 5.5 kg I stopped losing weight at the same rate. In total I lost 6.5kg. I think I'm at that point in the diet where the body slows down its metabolism to protect itself. How do I get past this point? Vitor Hugo Machado Morais - I would like to know how much saturated fat we should eat per day. The Primal diet suggests one amount and Paleo suggests another. Regarding the point at which we should eat meat: is the reasoning that very well-cooked meat contains substances harmful to our organism true? Jair Machado - How much lipids and proteins could we ingest without affecting weight loss? Renan RC - The ''paleo community'' has a very strong focus on this grassfed sense, but for us, poor mortals, we still don't have access. You could talk about how this affects the dietary quality of a low-carber Br and whether it really makes that much of a difference in long-term consumption. Flavia Rodrigues - Hello, it would be interesting if he talked a little about the fat in the meat of non-organic and grain-fed animals, regarding the toxins from the poor diet of these animals that accumulate in the fatty tissue. Given this, would it be interesting whether or not to consume meat fat when we don't know the origin of the animals? Or is the problem just the increase in Omega 6, and therefore we just need to supplement Omega 3? Thanks! Quésede Carvalho da Silva - Dr. Souto, I would like to know why you prefer the paleo diet to the vegetarian diet? There is a documentary on the internet called “Swap the knife for a fork” which proves the harm of meat and animal protein in general, and that people can cure various diseases just by eating a vegetarian diet, including various grains. What is your point of view on this??? Luciano - Hi! My question is about abdominal fat. I would like to know what foods or what to do to lose that little belly, that abdominal fat that we have. This is because the highest concentration of fat on my body is in my belly, in other places there is practically no fat. Sthefane Magela - Hello, I follow a holistic homeopath who removes all industrialized substances from the diet, condemns all toxins present in food, in the air, in pans, in water and in everything (the gte goes a bit crazy, lol) But, This same man with more than 25 years of experience and scientific studies does not condemn rice and beans as an eternal diet on his and his patients' menu. I wanted to know if there are more in-depth studies on rice and beans. thanks. Reader - Hello! I read Tim Ferris' book, 4h for the body. He recommends a paleo diet, but recommends eating beans daily. Furthermore, it states that the weekend getaway is possible and, in fact, necessary. What is your opinion about it?