DR. BARAKAT is a doctor and a fan of what he calls “real food”. He is much sought after by celebrities and his motto is “unwrap less, peel more”. I hope Vilela gets yelled at for stuffing his guests with jelly beans. USE THE COUPON INTELIGENCIA12 AND GET 12% OFF ON THE ENTIRE INSIDER WEBSITE AND ALSO TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY TO CHECK OUT THE KIT!: https://www.insiderstore.com.br/Intel... International Website: https://bit.ly/InsiderGlobaleIntelige... Vilela's eyewear line: https://www.dutyotica.com.br/duty-by-... ???? PODCAST CUTS Inteligência Ltda. / @cortesdointeligencia Chapters: 00:00:00 - Beginning 00:11:55 - Childhood 00:20:45 - The importance of sleep 00:44:00 - Anxiety 00:55:40 - Intermittent fasting 01:07:00 - Questions ☎ ???? Contact: [email protected] Want to send us gifts? PO BOX 81969 ZIP Code: 05619970 São Paulo - SP #Podcast #RogerioVilela #InteligenciaLtda ----------------- HOST: Rogério Vilela - Insta: @vilela Twitter: @rogeriovilela - Stand-up Channel: Rogério Vilela RECORDING, PRODUCTION AND EDITING: Fábrica de Quadrinhos SCRIPT: Fabio Mantoanelli REALIZATION: Fábrica de Quadrinhos