Today at #AmarEmCasa, we're going to tell the story of Patrícia (@renankid12) who always wanted to be a mother. She fulfilled her dream when she became pregnant with Giovani, who is currently 23 years old and at 43 years old she became pregnant with Renan, who is now 7 years old. Patrícia currently resides in Lombardy - Italy, which is one of the areas most affected by the Coronavirus and she told us about the current situation there. Follow Mari on Instagram: www.instagram.com/marianakupfer Who has already bought the book? Run to secure yours! The link is below, RUN: http://bit.ly/2VrEbLs Follow us on social media: instagram.com/amarmaternidade facebook.com/amarmaternidade Production: @tencyproducoes Digital: @affariassessoria⠀