Watch the adventures of your favorite football team for free on VRT MAX: https://www.vrt.be/vrtmax/az/fc-de-k.... You will find all 21 seasons and 273 episodes there. My thoughts! DDT finds a prohibited product for sportsmen in a car that is being repaired by him. Boma launches Boma sports sausage and Xavier lets the players drink a herbal gin. The Champions win a match for once but are subsequently found positive in a doping test. They are suspended. The big question is: who gave them a prohibited product? Does DDT have anything to do with it, is it the Boma sports sausage or Xavier's herbal drink? Or could there be something wrong with the pralines that Pascal has been passing around? A solution must be found urgently because this time Boma is planning to actually sell the field. Doping, season 7 episode 3. #FCDeKampioenen