Of course, the DF6 has its share of shortcomings, just like any other Chinese car that we praise to the skies today. For example, the sticking automatic transmission lever and the practically non-existent backlighting of the climate control buttons. Or the multimedia system, which is there, but looking at it, you understand that it would be better not to have it. Or the terrible sensor for unbuckled passengers in the back seat, which does not even allow you to put a bag... A lot of things. But the point is different. Are we ready to forgive the DF6 these sins? Of course! Because it is wonderful in everything else: in design, in the coordinated operation of units, in driving performance, in cross-country ability and capacity. ------------------------------------------- Website: https://4x4.media/ Vkontakte: http://vk.com/4x4club Yandex Zen: https://zen.yandex.ru/4x4club OK: https://ok.ru/club4x4 PULSE: https://pulse.mail.ru/4x4club