Hi everyone, this is a video chat between friends answering the most frequently asked questions you asked. If I were to time the video it would take a while to upload, so I'm going to release it without the time and I'm going to leave the questions pinned in the comments. I hope you like it, a kiss on the heart and see you in the next video. 🔥 INSIDER BLACK INSIDER 🏷️ Coupon: AUDREYBF https://creators.insiderstore.com.br/... pieces used in the video: rush dress M, future form shirt M. 👓GLASSES 🏷️Coupon: EZ-AUDREY https://zerezes.com.br/discount/EZ-AU... Models: Square glasses: mac model in black Square tortoiseshell glasses: Alf model Round dark glasses: Orth model in uruçu color Round transparent glasses: Orth model in champagne color ARTCOCO ACCESSORIES Coupon: AUDREY https://www.artcocojoias.com.br/?utm_... ↠ social networks ↞ TIKTOK / audreybernini INSTAGRAM / audreybernini ↠ partnerships ↞ [email protected]