The series tells the story of a family consisting of a husband and wife who cannot stand each other, living in the middle of a divorce, and their two children, which makes it necessary for them to stay married, and their relationships with each other and their friends. Çocuklar Duymasın is about the daily events that families face in real life. It covers topics such as making ends meet, raising children, business life and spouse problems. Çocuklar Duymasın also tells the story of a “real” man’s marriage to an “ideal” woman. The series is presented from the husband’s perspective. Haluk is a man who argues with everyone and can start fights. But even though this “stone oven man” sometimes speaks without thinking and can be rude, he is essentially an honest man who loves his family very much. Çocuklar Duymasın stands out as both entertaining, informative and educational. Çocuklar Duymasın is not just a series to be watched, laughed at and forgotten, but a series to be remembered at all times.