Op. Dr. Ayşe Duman's Holistic Approach to Women's Health Making a decision to get married is quite a difficult task. Especially being truly ready for marriage is even more difficult. In marriage, you do not only share the house, property, and jewelry, but also bodies and souls. The more conscious you are in this sharing, the happier you will experience this process. Especially the correct information obtained in the sexual field will be the most solid step towards marriage. What should be considered to make sharing in marriage more enjoyable? You can watch the video for the whole thing, love. You can also follow on Instagram! / You can visit the drayseduman Website and get information about trainings. https://www.ayseduman.com/ You can visit https://www.hubladesign.com/ for your birth comfort. Phone: 0541 857 8594 / 0216 344 13 99 #OpDrAyseDuman #RediscoveryOfWomanship All that is said is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.